Daily Action

Reflect on the day and plan tomorrow, track your improvement and stay on track with weekly goals and your master vision.

Master Vision

It's amazing how when we define our dreams in life, all the universe conspires together to help us create it..

Weekly Mapping

Plan your week in advance every Sunday, keeping in mind longer term goals as defined in your master vision.

Hey. it's Arlin.

This is old maxi. This one doesn't work anymore. New one much better. New Maxi is over at MaxiPlanner.com.

To Get Access to new maxi account, either try logging in at MaxiPlanner.com. If no account pops up, then cancel this subscription by clicking your profile in the footer here, bottom right. And then go and make a new account over at MindsetDesign.com. You can get the first month off for $1 using code arlin2024.



Get inspired in the Maxi community and participate Sundays 6-7pm EST on a live master Class and Q&A.


Draw inspiration from an archive of Master Visions choosing from what others have dreamt of doing, having, and becoming.


Access our advanced training programs to help you expand your consciousness and scale your impact.