

When you take the time to design your mindset, your mindset designs your life in time.


Name's Winning Formula


Take some slow breaths through your nose until relaxed. Then press the button.


*** While listening, confirm with proof from your life that your Master Vision is becoming reality. ***


Repeat 4-6 nights per week (option to follow this process in the morning too)

Everything Arlin touches increases exponentially in value. Arlin has the magic touch!

Arlin is always engaged in doing something definite through a well organized plan which is definite. Arlin's life purpose is becoming increasingly clear and simple.

Arlin knows exactly what Arlin wants and has a major goal in life toward which Arlin is always working toward and many minor goals all of which lead toward a central scheme in the most effective and efficient way possible.

If this is blank, scroll down to update your one year focus.

if this is also blank, scroll down to update your one month focus.

Life is really good for Arlin and getting better all the time.

Arlin is committed to constantly learning and growing.

Arlin has a billionaire mind.

Arlin is open to receiving all good things from the universe.

Arlin takes health and fitness seriously and cultivates an ever improving healthy body.

Arlin follows an enjoyable yet challenging fitness routine and tracks results to ensure improvement.

Arlin enjoys an increasingly healthy diet.

Arlin is an independent thinker and an inspiration to anyone who comes into contact with Arlin's mind.

Arlin has an amazing social life and increasingly tight and loving circle of friends. Arlin is known to be increasingly charismatic, caring, and generous.

Arlin and friends have weekly and monthly plans that get more and more fun.

Arlin laughs a lot with friends and is known to be a source of a good time.

Arlin is increasingly fulfilled and excited about life.

Arlin is more and more often in states of acceptance, enjoyment, or enthusiasm.

Arlin has increasingly fulfilling, loving relationships with family and friends.

Arlin attracts the right relationships at the right time for Arlin.

Arlin's ability to focus and control awareness is improving more and more each day.

Arlin expands in abundance, love, and success every day as he inspires others to do the same.

Each day, Arlin is more aware of wins and excited to observe Arlin's Master Vision manifesting into reality.

Master Vision: 1

Identity: 2

Bucket List: 3

Lifestyle Design: 4

Material Desires: 5

Trinity Page Example