Maxi Pro / Module 5
In this lesson, we discuss how to set a fitness goal in alignment to your North Star, and how to access the realm of no thought that should be the key focus during working out.
Here's what we cover:
∞ Two questions that require answers to progress in life and in fitness
∞ Why Arlin looks the same across 5 years and many different workouts
∞ The distinction between how much time one spends in the gym versus what one's definite goal of going to the gym is
∞ Kinobody and Jen Selter versus Brandon Bryant
∞ How Laur lost 20 pounds in a single month
∞ Performing Internal Identity Pivots
∞ Accessing Beast mode or Warrior Mode during the workout
A.) Do you have a fitness goal that aligns with your North Star and do you have a plan to help you get there?
B.) If you are not already following a fitness plan, I have attached some workout plans that you can download based on different North Star goals.
Maxi Pro / Module 5
In this lesson, we discuss how to sleep to achieve optimal results out of your life and business. We spend a third of our life during sleep so it is highly recommended that you follow the action steps listed below.
Here's what we cover:
∞ Birds, Squirils and Owls
∞ Why Christiano Ronaldo cares so much about sleep
∞ Calculating your mid-sleep average to calculate chronotype
∞ That natural cycle of energy - Peaks, Lulls, and Creative
∞ When to what during the day?
∞ When to workout based on my goals?
∞ What is the most effective position to sleep in?
A.) Calculate your sleep chronotype and redesign your Master Vision 'Lifestyle Design' and Daily Schedule in your Master Vision Pro document in accordance with your sleep chronotype.
B.) Tonight as you go to sleep try the new sleep position discussed in this video.
↓ Apply to Tribe AcceleratorMaxi Pro / Module 5
In this lesson, we discuss how to eat to achieve optimal results out of your life and business.
Here's what we cover:
∞ Cultivating a North Star Diet
∞ What Arlin eats in a day for optimal focus, endurance and athleticism?
∞ Your diet will vary based on what your short term goals are
∞ Arlin's favorite smoothie recipes
∞ Super foods versus Nutrient Dense foods
∞ Eating the colors of the rainbow
∞ Are you addicted to anything in your life?
∞ A stroll through a grocery store - a true test of consciousness
A.) Check out the grocery store lists created in alignment for you specific North Star.
B.) Next time you go to the grocery store make sure you call attention to your center, making the entire experience a meditation. Then, also remember to spot the block. Beware of ingredients that you don't know what they are or sound like the belong in a high school chemistry lab experiment.
Maxi Pro / Module 5
In this lesson, we discuss how to sleep to achieve optimal results out of your life and business. We spend a third of our life during sleep so it is highly recommended that you follow the action steps listed below.
Here's what we cover:
∞ Sex, Masturbation and Sexual Transmutation
∞ Why society makes it hard to have good sex
∞ The story of how we learned about sex
∞ How the brain gets deeply addicted to body parts
∞ Lower consciousness energy and sexual shame
∞ Rewiring previous sexual thoughts through raising consciousness
∞ How to release negative, repressed, traumatic sexual energy
∞ Alcohol, drugs, and sex
∞ How to increase sexual consciousness
∞ Masturbation
A.) Calculate your sleep chronotype and redesign your Master Vision 'Lifestyle Design' and Daily Schedule in your Master Vision Pro document in accordance with your sleep chronotype.
B.) Tonight as you go to sleep try the new sleep position discussed in this video.
Maxi Pro / Module 5
In this lesson, we complete an 80/20 review of this past week and discuss the mindset integration to carry you toward optimal life experiences in your one and only body.
Here's what we cover:
∞ How fitness can be aligned to your North Star
∞ How to set inteneral identity pivots
∞ Sleep Chronotype
∞ The best way to sleep
∞ Eating the colors of the rainbow
∞ Live stroll through a grocery store
∞ Multiple Male orgasms and sexual transmutation
A.) Next time you feel a sexual urge, rather than directing it toward sex, start doing something creative - work on a business, journal, or follow some other type of creative project.