Maxi Pro / Module 3
In this video we help you pick your purpose by starting out with the E-Purpose Inquiry which dives deeply into the root of your existence. Then we discuss how to choose choosing your outer purpose and setting measurable goals.
Here's what we cover:
∞ Why doing the E-Purpose inquiry can be challenging
∞ Arlin's E-Purpose Inquiry and why he has done everything he has ever done in his entire life
∞ The reason why your E-Purpose inquiry can motivate you and hold you back at some time
∞ Comparing you to Google and why should think big about your goals and your life
∞ Why North Star Goals should be clear, measurable and specific
∞ Key questions to ask yourself before setting Key Result goals
↓ Maxi MetricsMaxi Pro / Module 3
In this video we begin by discussing the internal identity pivot and how you can practice and implement this skill to become the person capable of achieving your dreams. We also go deeper into Master Vision Pro and how to perform internal identity pivots using the tool.
Here's what we cover:
∞ Arlin's story as a YouTuber and how he had to achieve goals the hard way
∞ Why Identity Pivots are the most conscious and strategic way to go about life and your goals
∞ Why "just be yourself" is bad advice
∞ Why a plane 1 degree off course ends up thousands of miles from home
∞ The Key Exercise to assist you with internal identity pivots
∞ Walking through how to perform an internal identity pivot and why you should review Week 2 if identity pivots are challenging
↓ Master Vision ProMaxi Pro / Module 3
In this video we welcome you to the Movie Theatre of life and how to design scenes in your movie. Then we discuss how characters play a roll in your movie and how to further design your character. And lastly we discuss how to enter the theatre.
Here's what we cover:
∞ Why so many people do not even realize they are in a movie
∞ The Film Roll analogy and highlighting specific slides in your movie
∞ Designing short term scenes and long term scenes
∞ Why a plane 1 degree off course ends up thousands of miles from home
∞ The Key Exercise to assist you with internal identity pivots
∞ Walking through how to perform an internal identity pivot and why you should review Week 2 if identity pivots are challenging
↓ Master Vision ProMaxi Pro / Module 3
In this video we discuss how to rig your environment to win and put you on a path toward your North Star Goals. We'll also discuss rigging your digital environment and long term environmental planning.
Here's what we cover:
∞ How free yourself from being a slave to your environment
∞ Thinking about our environment from a top down perspective in alignment with our North Star goals
∞ Why your 'type' is concentrated somewhere in the world in more abundance than other places
∞ Thinking without limiting yourself
∞ The key trait that Warren Buffett notes as an indicator of success
∞ Walking through how to rig your phone for least distraction
↓ Master Vision ProMaxi Pro / Module 3
In this video we review the key lessons from Week 3 and go over your assignment for the next several days. After this week, you should realize that the robot (you) has realized that he or she (or it) can program itself.
Here's what we cover:
∞ How to choose your purpose
∞ How to choose North Star goals
∞ How to perform internal identity pivots
∞ The movie theatre of life and designing 'scenes' for your future
∞ Rigging your environment and your digital environment
∞ Integrating your outer purpose into your master vision
Mindset Integration:
FIRST uses internal identity pivots to center awareness and propel himself/herself toward his/her North Star goal to __________ by _____.
FIRST is focused on continually simplifying his/her life and eliminating distractions from his/her environment in line with North Star goals.
FIRST sets himself/herself up to win in all areas of life and makes it as easy as possible to continue winning.
1.) Master Vision Pro: When completing your Weekly Map within Maxi, schedule a 2-4 hour Maxi Key time block for you to sit in stillness and then fill out your Master Vision Pro with as much of your Movie real as you can imagine. Remember, do not limit yourself. The biggest limitations you will face in life are the ones you lay out in your own mind. Then schedule a strategy session with Arlin here to get feedback on your Master Vision Pro, unless already in the Mindset Design Support & Accountability group.
2.) Identity Pivots: Continue practicing "waking up" 10-15 times per hour remembering yourself as the observer, and now integrate and practice internal identity pivots. The moment you feel yourself drifting back toward the old version of you, pause and call attention to your center. Allow the negative energy to subside and then make the pivot and take the action toward the Pro version of yourself.
↓ Master Vision ProMaxi Pro / Module 3
In this discussion video, we unpack all of the contents from Week 3 and answer common questions.
Here's what we cover:
∞ What is reverse engineering Reality?
∞ What does it mean to be "awakened"?
∞ The cat and the mouse hole
∞ How to use Opportunity Cost to make decisions
∞ How Lil Dicky destroyed the old version of himself to make room for the new version of himself that he is becoming
↓ Master Vision Pro