Maxi Pro / Module 1
In this video we hear the peculiar story of a billionaire with a very interesting pattern of behavior. We then go over my personal story of transformation and how we are going to give you a similar transformation in just six weeks. Then we cap it off by discussing one way to win during the next six weeks.
Here's what we cover:
∞ Successful people are very aware of the information they allow into their mind
∞ During high school, Arlin was extremely caught up in negative thinking and allowed his thoughts to spiral him down into depression
∞ Over the course of 5 years Arlin learned how to escape this prison
∞ Arlin's transformation shows that change is possible
∞ The most important thing is mindset. The way to win in life is by putting special attention to your thoughts
∞ The only way to lose is to not prioritize your mindset
Maxi Pro / Module 1
In this video learn about Napolean Hill's second, lesser known book and why he had to keep it hidden from the public eye for 72 years. Then we look at the definition of a Non-drifter and why it must be our priority to focus our attention on becoming a Non-Drifter. Then we look at Master Vision Pro and how over the course of the next several weeks we are going to use this document in conjunction with Maxi to drastically change your entire life.
Here's what we cover:
∞ What is drifting and how you may have been drifting and not even realized it
∞ The definition of a Non-Drifter and how to spot one easily
∞ In five years, Arlin was able to go from drifter to Non-Drifter and Maxi Pro will help you make this transformation starting now
∞ There are four ways we will focus on consciously transforming our minds - audio, visual, tactile and nutrition
∞ Focus on decreasing your sugar intake & cutting down on any excessive sexual activity
∞ Focus on becoming a Non Drifter for now
Maxi Pro / Module 1
In this video we hear the story of how Arlin was not the best science however is still able to explain Quantum Physics at the level necessary to reveal the truth about reality. We learn why people like Warren Buffett and Serena Williams win in their particular fields of focus. Then we look at how and why thinking about something causes that thing to expand in real life.
Here's what we cover:
∞ Science was not Arlin's best subject, but you don't need to be Einstein to understand Quantum Physics
∞ All things in the observable universe are made of particles
∞ Particles behave very strangely and act differently when humans observe them
∞ Humans who focus on one thing for a long time tend to be very successful at that thing
∞ Transformation on smaller levels, such as going from drifting in life to becoming a Non-Drifter can take place much faster
∞ Our new world paradigm is that if we want something, we simply have to think about already having it
↓ Wall PosterMaxi Pro / Module 1
In this video we learn about Quantum Theory, Quantum Entanglement, The Double Slit Experiment, Schrödinger's equation, the theory of relativity and how it all backs the law of attraction. Then we disprove the law of attraction and show you how to ride private jets for free. The purpose of this video is to bring your mind out of distortion and into reality in terms of mindset methodologies you may encounter throughout life.
Here's what we cover:
∞ The origin of viewing reality as a wave function
∞ A brief history of Quantum Theory
∞ Why observing reality changes reality
∞ All you have to do is think, and grow rich! (quick)
∞ Distortion in the world of self development and where to stand
∞ The easy path to riding on a private jet by end of this month
↓ Non DrifterMaxi Pro / Module 1
In this video we discuss the Maxi Key and help you integrate the Non Drifter paradigm and the essential information covered in this week into your Master Vision. Then we go over the one thing you need to progress forward each week.
Here's what we cover:
∞ How to get more done in 4 hours than most people do in 40
∞ The secret to achieving more with less in every aspect of life
∞ What to focus on this week in waking consciousness in order to become a Non Drifter
↓ Non Drifter