Arlin's Master Vision: People are gradually awakening to the fact that they can use their minds to create heaven on earth. Arlin's mission is to enlighten the world. To give people a system to design their inner world beautifully to create an outer world that matches. To give people the opportunity to become the conscious observer and author of their own lives. To write & enjoy their own chapters. Arlin is creating an increasingly effective change agent - Maxi - which transforms masses of people increasingly effectively and helps them create their dream life and a world of love and higher consciousness. Arlin is assisting in the great awakening, in expanding the collective consciousness. Maxi is helping 2 billion people seriously take control of their minds and life and literally create their dream life by 2031. When doing creative work or making decisions Arlin connects to and is guided by the unconditioned, subconscious mind. Arlin connects to stillness and engages the subconscious often.
Arlin's Identity: Arlin is increasingly purpose-driven, inspirational, honest, well-educated, and also loves to have fun in everything he does. Arlin understands and applies high integrity and long-term social dynamics. Arlin has Drake energy. Everything Arlin touches becomes exponentially more valuable. Arlin moves like a boss. Arlin is the best at what he does. You will find Arlin running the biggest business in town, Maxi, living on the best street, driving the best car, around the most high-value men and women, and making his presence felt wherever he happens to be. People treat Arlin like the King he is. Arlin is an inspiration to all who come into contact with his mind. Arlin makes his accomplishments seem effortless. Arlin is gregarious and makes sure that whoever he meets has an epic and good story to tell about Arlin. Arlin has a movie star body, an extremely well-developed proportionate physique and is focused on increasing his strength. Arlin is a master of the 48 laws of power and applies them. Arlin knows how to get people to do what he wants, and they really want to do it and help. It's always a win-win when Arlin is involved. Arlin has a daily routine that he loves more and more each day, matches his preferred lifestyle and mission perfectly. Arlin has daily loving contact with his family and friends and is focused on increasing the bond he shares with everyone he meets. Arlin is increasingly dominant and powerful. Arlin has intense and enlightening eye contact. Arlin is becoming increasingly attractive, enthusiastic, and charismatic. Arlin is in immaculate physical shape. Arlin is large and has optimal testosterone. Arlin is responsible for making incredible collaborations happen between people because he is so well connected. Arlin is a man who inspires the world to access nirvana here and now and to consciously sculpt their dream lives by helping others. Arlin has an increasingly A-list social circle. Celebrities, the biggest YouTubers, models, most hype people, Rappers, Artists, and Entrepreneurs - Millionaires and Billionaires. Arlin is an increasingly effective CEO and delegator. Arlin is an increasingly effective negotiator and always gets exactly what he intends. Arlin is growing Maxi into a simple and increasingly effective and beautiful, billion-dollar company. Arlin focuses on always increasing the value that Maxi is offering to its customers. The distribution that gets Maxi into the hands of more and more people is always improving and expanding. Arlin is a genius at delegation and team building and the team that is building Maxi is increasingly efficient, effective and fully committed to the mission - to enlighten every human on earth. Arlin treats his employees amazingly, they love working for Arlin and for Maxi. has a clear, irresistible offer and those viewing the page are compelled to join. Arlin feels amazing that he knows exactly how to handle business decisions and is becoming a better business person daily. Arlin is an increasingly powerful business mind. Arlin knows when and how to gracefully say no! Maxi helps people become increasingly successful and fulfilled authors of their own realities. Maxi has an increasingly high daily user rate and retention rate. The Maxi onboarding process is increasingly smooth, exciting, efficient and effective. Arlin is an increasingly effective and efficient CEO of Maxi and all of his business decisions increasingly lead to Maxi’s North Star Success! Maxi is prepared to be sold. Arlin, if he chose, could leave Maxi alone for 8 weeks and it would actually increase its value and profit and customers would be just as happy. Arlin is also balanced and plans for balance. For every 2 months of work on Maxi and his personal brand, Arlin takes a week to a full month of rejuvenation time spent with family, friends, or himself. Arlin enjoys filling his rejuvenation and creative time by drawing, journaling, meditating, trying out new workout programs, traveling, and discovering his most enjoyable rejuvenation. As Arlin develops this winning mindset, everything gets a little easier a little brighter and a little bolder. Arlin is the essence of success, happiness, abundance and joy. Arlin's customers absolutely love him and Maxi. Arlin's life is like a dream - everything he intends manifests and instantly becomes real. It's easy for Arlin to grow his business, stack his wealth and to attract the people he wants. Arlin is increasingly financially informed and is building his wealth to $10,000,000 in assets by 2024.
Arlin's Bucket List: Arlin’s business is generating $225,000 per month and has increasingly happy and excited customers by December 31, 2021. Maxi has 100,000 increasingly happy, excited, and successful members by December 31, 2021. Maxi is enlightening people by the millions. Arlin is an increasingly high-value person. Arlin is always either in a mode of acceptance, enjoyment, or enthusiasm. The present moment is always the focus of Arlin’s life and he finds great joy in presence. Arlin allows love and joy to flow from him into his work, his relationships, and the world. Arlin accesses flow state in his work. Arlin’s work is created through a flow state of increasing enthusiasm. Arlin’s heart and sexual desires are connected. Arlin is associated with big, highly respected, and well known names like Joe Dispenza and Robert Kiyosaki to help crystalize and legitamize Maxi methodology. They assist and help Arlin’s brand and mission. AM house is legendary. It has an amazing enlightening aura of love and fuels creativity. Tik Tokker’s love Arlin. Arlin’s videos are increasingly awesome, cinematic, and tell more and more amazing stories with better and better advice to support his mission. Arlin’s vlog format is increasingly entertaining, enlightening and inspiring. Arlin’s workflow to create these videos is increasingly efficient and effective. Arlin never breaks the fourth wall... Arlin’s podcast has 500,000 monthly listeners that enjoy sharing every episode. Arlin inspires increasingly exponentially more people with his work and enriches their lives. Arlin enriches and deepens his own life and the lives of countless others. He can live his dream life in this apartment!
Lifestyle Design: Arlin is increasingly present, focuses on the 20% of activities that lead to 80% of his desired results, and stays on his happiness islands. The things I create are even better than I imagined them to be. I know the essence of what I want, and I get it. Everything I create fulfilles me. I radiate confidence, inner-peace, well-being, and happiness, I live in an abundant universe. I always have everything I need.
Material Desires: Arlin is building his net worth to $10 million by 2024. Arlin will be moving into a new, 4-5 bed white, modern style Hills home with a pool, indoor and outdoor gym, steam room and sauna, master bedroom view of nature, Hills, and LA, and a roof deck great for parties and weekly container events. Arlin will be driving a car like an Aston Martin, Tesla and a Lamborghini Urus and have a custom embroidered Mercedes sprinter van. Arlin will have a private chef, and a personal assistant who gets all necessary low value chores done. Arlin will treat his parents to quarterly vacations together and monthly relaxation and adventure experiences for them as a couple. Arlin will donate $100,000 to an amazing charity in 2022. Arlin has a growing watch collection. Richard mille, patek, rolex, and AP. Arlin is living in a 4 bed new, modern, Hollywood mansion perfect for Arlin and his brand and mission with a loving meditative vibe. Now close your eyes, and visualize this new level of success!